The One About the Ultimate UltimateTransmatch: 160 to 10 Meters

Ultimate Ultimate Transmatch?

Look out W1ICP, you're being upstaged in Transmatch construction! The photographs show a slick version of the Ultimate Transmatch, built to high-power, battleship specifications by Barry Boothe, W9UCW - former OST Cover Plaque winner for his "Minooka Special" 160-meter antenna article. His unit operates from 160 through 10 meters, and in his words is "capable of high power transfer." The assembly measures 25 X 25 X 9-1/2 inches and is enclosed in a case made from 1/8-inch heat-treated aluminum. Black crackle paint was used as a finish material.
The split-stator capacitor is 800 pF per section, and an output series-leg capacitor is a 500-pF unit. His roller inductor is 9 inches in diameter and has 1/8 X 3/16-inch copper for the conductor stock. Barry claims he can match his
50-ohm rig to a coat hanger, but laments because the Transmatch
"just ain't portable enuff." Say, does anyone know what power level is used out there in the Great Lakes region on 160? Looks like Barry's matcher can handle all that the law allows! - WICER

W1CER © 1976

(Look below for the original article from QST)

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