Q-signals are standardized three-letter codes used in amateur radio to convey common messages quickly and efficiently, especially in CW (Morse code) and voice communication.
General Q-Signals
QRM – Is my transmission being interfered with? (Man-made interference)
QRN – Are you troubled by static? (Natural interference)
QRP – Shall I reduce power? (Low power operation)
QRQ – Shall I send faster?
QRS – Shall I send more slowly?
QRT – Shall I stop sending? (Shutting down the station)
QRV – Are you ready? (I am ready)
QRX – When will you call me again? (Stand by)
QRZ – Who is calling me?
QSB – Are my signals fading? (Signal fading)
QSL – Can you acknowledge receipt? (Confirmation)
QSO – Can you communicate with...? (Contact, conversation)
QSY – Shall I change frequency?
QTH – What is your location?