The One About the Low Band Antenna Survey
Low Band Antenna Survey
Years ago I conducted a worldwide survey of notable 160-meter DX chasers to gather valuable data about their experiences with antennas. The survey is a good starting point for anyone that is interested in effective results on the low bands of 160, 80, 60, and 40 meters. The results were sent to all of the 62 of those who responded and a much-condensed version of the survey was attached to my 1974 QST article, “The Minooka Special”.
What follows are the scanned pages of the original final report that went to the participants and many others. It found its way to the bottom of a file cabinet drawer and recently I came across it. There are stations listed that confirmed nearly all 340 countries on 160. I was a somewhat casual 160 DXer and stopped chasing that band about ten years ago, but I do have 261 countries and managed many hundreds of QSOs with JAs, Europeans, and South Pacific stations on SSB and CW. I hope you enjoy it.
* The following article was produced from several JPG files. If one or more page of the article appears to be cut off or the margins are incorrect, just download the JPG so you may view it on your device in its native file format. *
All articles listed below are the works and property of Barry A. Boothe.
1. Mobile Antennas
2. Low Band Antenna Survey
3, Shortened, Loaded Antennas
4. Choosing an Antenna
5. Creeps and Weirdos (Tongue in Cheek)
6. The All Band Antenna
7. The Ultimate Ultimate Transmatch
8. The Invisible 20-Meter Beam
9. The Hidden Antenna
10. The Loop Antenna
11. Thinking About Basics
12. The Other Half
73, Barry