Amateur Radio Communication Modes 


Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, is a popular hobby that involves the use of various communication modes to establish wireless communication between licensed amateur radio operators. These operators, often referred to as "hams," use a wide range of technologies and frequencies to engage in two-way communication, experimentation, and public service. The diverse modes of communication in amateur radio showcase the versatility and adaptability of this hobby.

Analog Voice

One of the primary communication modes in amateur radio is analog voice communication. This mode involves the transmission of voice signals using amplitude modulation (AM), frequency modulation (FM), or single-sideband modulation (SSB). AM is commonly used on the high-frequency (HF) bands, while FM is prevalent on very high frequency (VHF) and ultra-high frequency (UHF) bands. SSB, known for its bandwidth efficiency, is often used on HF bands to maximize the available spectrum and facilitate long-distance communication.

Morse Code

Morse code, a venerable method of communication in amateur radio, relies on encoding alphanumeric characters through sequences of dots and dashes. Despite its age, Morse code remains a cherished skill among hams and is widely used for low-power, long-distance communication on HF bands. Morse code proficiency is a requirement for certain amateur radio license classes, emphasizing its enduring relevance in the hobby.
Digital communication modes have gained prominence in amateur radio, leveraging modern technology for efficient and error-resistant data transmission. One such mode is radioteletype (RTTY), which involves sending text messages using audio tones. Packet radio, another digital mode, enables the transmission of data packets, much like the internet, over amateur radio frequencies. These digital modes facilitate keyboard-to-keyboard communication, data exchange, and even the connection of amateur radio networks.

Amateur Television

Amateur television (ATV) is a visual communication mode in which hams transmit video and audio signals. This mode allows for the exchange of live video content, making it a unique and engaging facet of amateur radio. ATV is commonly used on UHF and VHF bands, and advancements in digital video technologies have further enhanced the quality and capabilities of amateur television systems.

Amateur Satellite

Amateur satellite communication involves the use of radio signals to communicate with artificial satellites orbiting the Earth. Hams can use handheld radios, often with directional antennas, to establish contacts through these satellites. This mode opens up new and exciting opportunities for long-distance communication and experimentation with satellite-based repeaters.


Moonbounce, or Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) communication, is a specialized mode that involves bouncing signals off the Moon's surface to establish communication over extreme distances. This challenging yet rewarding mode requires high-power transmitters, sensitive receivers, and precise antenna systems to overcome the inherent difficulties associated with Moonbounce communication.

There Are Even Contests!

Amateur radio operators also engage in contests, events where hams compete to make the most contacts within a specified time frame or under specific conditions. These contests span various communication modes, encouraging participants to explore and master different aspects of amateur radio.


In conclusion, the world of amateur radio offers a rich tapestry of communication modes, ranging from traditional analog voice transmission and Morse code to cutting-edge digital technologies, satellite communication, and even bouncing signals off the Moon. This diversity reflects the adaptability of amateur radio to technological advancements and the enduring spirit of experimentation and exploration within the ham radio community.

By no means is this all of them.  This just scratches the surface.  With digital technology there are a number of digital voice modes.  Some are proprietary owned by a corporation, and others are public domain.  These modes just like the ones listed above are not compatible with one another.  There are also many more digital modes, ie. FT4 and FT8 for example.  There are many volumes written on the web that you can find out much more any one of the modes listed above.

Find a mode or modes that you like and get on the air.

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